Talk in Clubhouse (1. 3/9 9:00 am – Topic: CRISPER/Cas9 patents, 2. 3/11 Noon – Topic: The situation in Ukraine and how to resolve it from a legal perspective)

Once again, my friend who is a U.S. lawyer has spoken to me and I will join the clubhouse twice this week. 1. from 9 am on Wednesday, and 2. from noon on Friday

American Intellectual Property and Legal on Clubhouse

I will talk about the following topics:

1. the patent dispute of CRISPER / Cas9, which was recently decided by the US Patent and Trademark Office in Weekly US IP News

2. Ukraine situation and solution from a legal point of view. I myself have little legal and historical knowledge about this situation, but personally, I have studied Russian for about five years. Having studied the language and was interested in Russia and Russian-speaking countries and cultures, I would like to talk about something through my experience.

If you are interested, please check the latest information on Twitter of Mr. Noguchi, a US lawyer who is the organizer.

Noguchi’s Twitter

Please feel free to join us on both days.