About consultation method

As a rule, we ask that consultations be conducted online. If there is no specific request, we will set up a meeting via Google Meet. If you prefer to meet with us online using other tools (Zoom, Teams, etc.), we will do our best to accommodate you.

Please note that if you come to the business space of our address and consult in the meeting room, we will ask you to present multiple dates and times when you can meet because the meeting room needs to be reserved in advance.

Consultation fee: 6,600 yen/30 minutes including tax (2,200 yen/10 minutes for more than 30 minutes )

*If we accept your case, we will deduct the consultation fee from the cost.

* We will comply with the confidentiality obligation to clients under Article 30 of the Patent Attorneys Act.

* In the event of a conflict, we may refuse to accept your business. If we are unable to accept your request, we will contact you as soon as possible.

About payment

If we are able to accept your consultation or request for application representation, we will provide you with a written estimate in advance, and only after you have agreed to the contents of the estimate and made a formal request will we accept your request.

You can choose from the following payment methods

In principle, payment for IP spot consultations must be made in advance. For details, please refer to the link below.